Child Developmental & Behavioral Consulting

Advocating for innovative and equitable care delivery for all children.

At Acorn Pediatric Consulting, we strive to reimagine care delivery so that children with neurodevelopment differences can receive equitable access to healthcare providers who understand their unique needs. We recognize that there will never be enough professionals with specialized training in child development to meet the needs of children unless we rethink how we deliver care. By “connecting the dots” on care delivery, we aim to create a unified system to support children and parents, no matter the setting.

Areas of Practice

Primary Care Consultation

Current models of care delivery do not always support the needs of children with complex medical conditions or children with developmental and behavioral health needs in the primary care setting. We aim to support pediatric providers by providing resources to assist with caring for this population of children.

Schools & Early Childhood Learning Centers

We acknowledge that there are many demands placed on educators in today’s society. Professional development for staff to help better understand how they can care for both themselves and their students is available.

Parent Education

Parenting with grace and understanding how to handle life’s challenging moments can be difficult. We are here to help through virtual and live workshops, seminars and individually tailored resources.

“The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Get in Touch

We recognize the inherent uniqueness that exists in our community. Please reach out to schedule a consultation to determine how we can work together to create a better environment for your organization.